o ensured all documentation was accurate and complete; no delays in transfer or errors in. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. Excellent mental and physical abilities; displayed strong stamina. MOS 35N - Signals Intelligence Analyst. Army. The weight of a bullet comment depends on its result or impact. MOS 18B, Special Forces Weapons Sergeant NCOER Bullets. MOS 35M - Human Intelligence Collector. o scheduled water cross-training for fuelers, truck drivers, and engineers; multiplied self-sufficiency and expanded service capability. MOS 25B DA 638 Examples. Newncoer. o Sacrificed off-duty time to train his peers on critical recovery tasks; enhanced peer morale, mental acuity, and. o implemented heightened security controls directed by the Base Anti-terrorism Officer and the Security Officer Command. MOS 35S - Signals Collector/Analyst. o completed high quality bi-lateral training with the Royal Thai Army with minimal guidance. o assisted the Brigade Operations SGM and the Brigade Training Officer with daily operations in the S3 section; gained critical experience and sustained support. o true Soldier; epitomized Army values; influenced others to commit to personal greatness; developed team's. Thanks for your contributions! We need more examples. See also: o adjusted security posture, individual movement techniques, and escalation of force depending on circumstances; showed sound tactical awareness during all operations. 3. MOS 25H was established in October 2022 and consists of former occupational specialties 25L, 25N, and 25Q. 00 - Immaterial. o single-handedly developed and implemented the Company Air Assault PT Program, increasing the Company Air Assault percentage by 33%. MOS 13R Decorations. Photo Credit: SGT T. MOS 25B, Information Technology Specialist NCOER bullets. Wade. Until next time, be the change you want to see! Have a great day team! NCOER bullets for character, NCOER bullets for presence, NCOER bullets for intellect, NCOER bullets for leads, NCOER bullets for develops, NCOER bullets for achieves. o. For NCOERs, senior raters are constrained at 24% for MQs, whereas OERs are constrained at less than 50%. o expertly managed stress and stamina despite working rigorous 15-hour days, maintained utmost professionalism and military bearing. Military and Professional Bearing o demonstrated the utmost in bearing and appearance; well-disciplined soldier o set the example for subordinates and peers to emulate; outstanding professionalism o provided exceptional example for soldiers; uniform and appearance always immaculate This supplement assists NCOER preparation by provoking and stimulating thought for specific thoughts and comments. More. o demonstrated leadership while at 403rd Inland Cargo Transfer Company; trained Soldiers on equipment and vehicles such as LHS, HMMVW, and 10K, multiplying capacity. Courtesy of U. NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Standard. MOS 18E/Special Forces Communications Sergeant. MOS 35T - Intel Systems Maintainer/ Integrator. 91D - Power Generation Equipment Repairer. Public Affairs NCOER Bullets. o provided thorough and detailed after action reports and recommendations to improve Annual Training. — George S. o synchronized opportunities with availability; increased critical school attendance by 50% in less than 13 months. They are the moral, ethical and professional attributes of character. Use this in conjunction with AR 623-3, DA PAM 623-3, and DA PAM 600-25 which provide. o received Battalion Safety NCO Award for his constant and meticulous attention to safety details during training exercises. Army pre-jump into Spanish for the Spanish Airborne forces; maintained team integrity and safety. 68A Medical Equipment Repairer. o developed and implemented a medical support plan for an outlying FOB, including combined ISAF and ANA mass casualty plan and. o took charge in the absence of leadership after landing during a night jump; established the ADAG Team and developed teamwork and initiative in subordinates. Track Vehicle Mechanic. If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your MOS, enter it in the form at the bottom of this page (or send to editor @armywriter. ShadesBlack. NCOER bullets must be preceded by a lower-case letter "o" to indicate the comment's beginning. Victim Advocate NCOER Examples. PRESENCE: NCOER Bullets. We offer the largest collection of NCOER bullets for your use. o aggressively managed shop activities completing 32 scheduled services with limited manning, funds or equipment during the holiday seasons and high op-tempo taskings. NCOER Bullet Comments. Fully Supports SHARP, EO, and EEO. The views expressed here are the author’s alone and do not reflect those of the U. The finished product is the single most important factor in promotions and successful careers. o trained, tested and licensed 90 Soldiers, resulting in 100 percent of the company's Soldiers being licensed. 5 million dollars worth of equipment. o conducted 60 field training exercises; mentored and evaluated 900. 88L Watercraft Engineer. 91B - Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic. Schools NCO NCOER Examples. o selected by the 16th Air Force commander to liaison with Intelligence Community Partners; protected the integrity of the 2020 elections. (Addresses rated NCO's performance as it relates to Army Values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. o obtained shipping cost estimates. Joint Logistics NCOIC. Set stringent, achievable standards for his soldiers. com database and still filed taxes two days early [LEADS: FAR EXCEEDED STANDARD]Real answer: o showed a command of position unheard of in other NCOs of his grade; easily adapts to challenges and develops solutions that will continue to benefit the Platoon, Battalion, and Brigade long after he moves on. o established strict key control and physical security procedures for of the IPBO warehouse; zero equipment loss. If you would like to support the continued development of ArmyNCO. Part V, NCO Support Form. 88N Traffic Management Coordinator. Presence NCOER Bullets (Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience) Headlines. Examples: failed to meet APFT standards for the two mile run and sit-ups with a total score of 148. MOS 13J, Fire Control Specialist, NCOER Bullets. o assigned as wire team NCOIC to the USF-I Command relocation to Al Asad; completed all tasks 5 days ahead of schedule; received excellent commendations. o warned section members of the consequences of their actions; prevented UCMJ action and sustained promising careers. School. 91C - Utilities Equipment Repairer. o rebuilt parachute packing facilities/area, adding over $1,000,000 worth of new equipmento led the movement of essential personnel and equipment from Upper Marlboro, MD to Fort Bragg and then to JRTC. o followed up on all paperwork and made sure all warriors had proper badges for assigned duties. Army or the Department of Defense. Encourages Junior soldiers to challenge themselves to become better professionals and leaders. Inspire. Senior Mechanic. 150 NCOER bullets for leads others, builds trust, extends influence beyond the chain of command, leads by example, and communicates. o assisted in revising the 1-37 FA digital TACSOP improving BOC and POC changeovers with faster digital firing. Develops Others. com database and still filed taxes two days early [LEADS: FAR EXCEEDED STANDARD]Construction Engineer Supervisor. The guides explain the rules for comments, narratives and bullets found in AR and DA PAM 623-3 (to include prohibited and negative comments/bullets), and gives examples of narrative comments (individual sentences that can be combined to form a narrative) and bullets. MOS 12R Duty Descriptions. , no uniformed Army-designated rating officials, senior rater or someone outside the rating chain directs. Service Ethos- established and maintained the highest standard of excellence for himself. To contribute examples, use this form. S. o true Soldier; epitomized Army values; influenced others to commit to personal greatness; developed team's. 2 GPA; inspired peers to reach education goals. o dedicated to Soldier safety in all endeavors; ensured Soldiers applied proper risk management for training and activities on and off duty. • examined standards and educated the unit through demonstrations to ensure correct interpretations. Patton. o facilitated 8 professionalism indoctrination. com -- Bullets that Don't Suck! New Bullets added to. Motor Pool NCO. Recruiter NCOER Bullets. o ensured water buffalos, light sets, and generators were full and running at all times; indispensable to the. This month will mark the site’s sixth complete redesign as I finally introduce a more modern, responsive. Presence NCOER Bullet Comments. o processed the turn-in of over 1 million. o interviewed, counseled, and qualified applicants for enlistment. 25% and was awarded additional skill identifier of B1. Back to CMF 13 NCOER Bullets. o recruited 42 qualified personnel for entry into the Army using judgement in interpreting and adapting guidelines such as SOPs, policies, and regulations, to determine enlistment eligibility. MOS 68C Practical Nursing Specialist NCOER Bullets. o assisted in over 350 interrogations at Field Detention Site Shank. Values are the heart and soul of a great Army. Inspire. o prepared five companies for deployment to multiple combat zones; ensured personnel were trained and equipment was operational. Wade. Part IV, Performance Goals and Expectations. Presence NCOER Bullets (Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience) Headlines ArmyNCO. o performed. Presence NCOER Bullet Comments. o briefed Ft Bragg functional managers; lauded MOS development and impact; perpetuated unit. o seamlessly integrated new Soldiers within the S3 section; consistently showed genuine concern for his Soldiers. MOS 79V DA 638 Examples. 15F Aircraft Electrician. Click on the appropriate link below or scroll down for general, non-specific medical bullets. NCOER bullets for Met Standard and Did Not Meet Standard. The rater comments on the NCO's performance during the rated period. o volunteered for the Southwest Border Mission with the Department of Homeland Security; safe-guarded the Texas border. MOS 13D and 13P merged to form MOS 13J. o first Soldier or NCO to complete the USAF Security Forces Qualification Certification as a patrolman; set. This list provides a sample of Excellence, Success, and Needs Improvement NCO-ER Bullets highlighted in recent Quarterly NCO-ER Updates as being those bullets that justified the marked rating. MOS 12R, Interior Electrician, NCOER Bullets. 46: b. o oversaw the maintenance and repair of 10 wheeled vehicles during annual training at CSMS resulting in increased operational readiness of the Battalion. 25D Cyber Network Defender. o in. Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. o senior infantryman with deployment field experience. We offer the largest collection of NCOER bullets for your use. o managed the planning and execution of Heavy Equipment Transport (HET) support for 1 BCT, 4ID gunnery; resulted in 90% utilization rate of the HETs. Info Tech Team Chief. Assessment Format Bullet comments for all NCOs. Whether it's meant to guide a Soldier's growth, document career milestones, or correct improper behavior, it can be a challenge to find. Gunnery NCOER Bullet Comments. Maintains military and professional bearing by meeting PT, height, weight and required schooling. Army or the Department of Defense. 91F - Small Arms/Artillery Repairer. o committed to the advancement of the Army, mission, and unit; was known to frequently stay late hours to accomplish time sensitive tasks with accuracy. Leads others, Builds trust, Extends influence, Leads by example, Communication. o supervised a group of 6 Soldiers leading to significant knowledge and skills growth and ensured every individual training opportunity was maximized. o demonstrated the ability to perform at a level of greater responsibility in the absense of supervision. ArmyNCO. Fully Supports SHARP, EO, and EEO. Army values, Empathy, Warrior Ethos/Service Ethos, and Discipline. o screened and evaluated 800 soldiers from 1ABCT during Operation Atlantic Resolve; reduced delays due to medical by 25%. MOS 15 Aviation NCOER Examples. o inspired his team members to review and re-enforce their qualifications; elevated the team's performance to new heights. 92G/Food Service NCO. 150 Presence bullets for Military and Professional Bearing, Fitness, Confidence, Resilience. )Squad Leader NCOER Bullet Examples. o fired over 3,000 rounds for the Brigade and assisted in certifying 30 RADAR section and all howitzer section in in Bravo alpha and Charlie battery. Each bullet comment should begin with a lower-case letter unless it's a. o led by example and encouraged equal treatment and. In the Army, counseling is an almost daily requirement. . Bullet comments are mandatory for a ‘no’ rating and must be specific. Army with pride. o promoted to the leadership position of SFC and led his unit through a COMET re-inspection with a pass of more than 95%. MOS 18C, Special Forces Engineer Sergeant NCOER Bullets. o SM received an commemorative coin. Presence NCOER Bullet Comments. Brigade Budget Analyst. CMF 46 Public Affairs NCOER Bullets.